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Trees and Lights

This holyday season came rather quickly this year. I am glad it is here though and it's so awesome to see Ella-Rose excitement. She has a love for all things Christmas trees and lights. Our drives home now consist of her pointing out the decorated homes and finding Christmas lights. I love it... I love that she only knows of trees, lights, and decorations and not of the presents to come. I kind wish it could stay like this. My hopes are to always keep her focused on family, giving and decorating traditions...not the presents. I hope everyone is enjoying the holyday season...although it's freezing it's a really good time of the year :)

Christmas and day life came and went so fast. So much preparation for the day and for us it goes by in a blur. On Christmas we surprised Ella-Rose with her very own play kitchen with cooking supplies and all...the very next day she awoke from her night sleep in complete shock. We try our best to give her gifts that will last for years to come and build lasting memories...that is our goal. Thankful my husband can make these ideas and gifts come to life. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

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